Deluxe Noise WIP

I wanted to experiment with some sort of noise function which would create unexpectable results. To this end, I implemented a recursive function, which would interpolate between two colours using some random functions depending on its seed.

The recursive part is in what colours it would interpolate, since those colours would come from the function calling itself twice with two new seeds. On the top level, then, I would decide on how many levels of recursions before the functions would just return a colour. I picked five, meaning the function would be called 1+2+4+8+16+32 times each time I used it once.

But what seeds were used for the two functions called by the first depends on the value it would find, which would depend on Perlin noise, mostly. This means that the functions used are chosen by the Perlin noise. That's the theory anyway. This is what it looks like:

I don't know, I don't think I'm quite done with this project, not as it looks right now. It is just very difficult to work with a project as amorphous as this. Adding a change, I am never sure where exactly it will slot into the strange web that is uniquely spun each time the project is run.
