Country Terrains - Florida

As a continuation of Greece, I wanted to make a more swampy terrain. The idea is much the same as with Greece, but instead of wanting mountains jutting up from the ocean, I wanted fragmented, low-altitude islands to jut up from the waters, creating a terrain much more akin to a swamp. With some altered colours, I ended up with this:

The generation method is mostly the same as the previous post. Once again, I combine Perlin noise of different frequencies, using multiplication for a high level of control. Here, the base terrain, like the terrain from Greece, looks like this:

To this basic, slightly boring terrain, I add the following fragmented noise, which is produced as the absolute difference between 0.5 and sin() of the high frequency noise:

This noise, however, is mostly only applied where the original altitude is close to the water level. In this way, you can get areas that look like swamps, but other, more flat areas that look like regular highlands or regular oceans. Or at least, that is the idea.

I don't know if I am going to continue making more custom "Advanced Terrains". If I am, I want to finally be able to combine all of them together into one huge world where different biomes blend together. I know how to do that, I am just not quite clear on how to handle continents. Perhaps putting a swamp inside a continent might be fine, but the terrain as shown in Greece would be wholly inadequate away from the ocean. I would probably have to leave the "humidity/temperature" model of biomes, and use one related to distance from the sea.

Well, for now, I will try to keep the code for different terrains interrelated, so that one can quickly switch from one to the other. For instance, here is the Seed 9 used for the post about Greece:

Some features, like the big landmass and the lone mountain, are recognisable from before, but there are huge differences too. As should be. That is the point of Advanced terrain - not just to do colour-swaps, but to genuinely alter the terrain generation too!


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