The Question of Gameplay

Blog update number two!

Last time I talked about how I had to rewrite the four convolutional art tutorials, which I finally did. I also wrote the fifth and final instalment, which will be posted in a couple of weeks. I have a bit of a backlog.

Things are going quite well with this blog, I'd say. I am starting to find a balance between writing about new and old projects - by which I mean, in the beginning it was only old projects, and now it is only new projects. So if I just keep switching back and forth like that, things should be fine. I'll be able to sustain this ludicrous three-posts-a-week pace for quite a while.

But I do want to return to write about some of my old projects. So far, I have, er. Let me pull up this neat list I made at some point:

june-july         bodygen
august hearthevo
september procworldgen, cubeworld
october showbiz
november gameworld
december pokeclicker

januar pokehearth
februar planetspokehearth, fractalart and trees
march pokehearth, sneks, tcg tycoon
april convolutional art, tcg tycoon, faces
may SDV
june pokedota
july circuits, magnate, chef, islands

Here, I've marked with green the projects I have written about but can still write more about, and in yellow the projects that I have already milked sufficiently. So basically, I have written about NOTHING at all.

Now, I'm not saying that equally much can be written about all these. Faces (aka. Talking heads) only made for one post, pokehearth can make for infinite posts. Some projects are bigger than others, and some are more interesting than others.

But more important than these is another distinction: Gameplay.

So far, all I have written about is generation and graphics, with the sole exception of PokeHearth - you might notice, too, that I no longer am posting about PokeHearth. Because I do not know what to do about gameplay.

The majority of my projects, especially those long-term, are gameplay-centric. In the tagline, I do say "designing gameplay around randomness". But how do I make gameplay interesting?

  • I could write theoretical blog posts about how to tune and utilise randomness in gameplay, picking examples from all over my oeuvre.
  • Alternatively, I could make case-studies, as I have done with PokeHearth, focusing on specific interplay of mechanics, content and randomness.
  • But the thing about gameplay is it requires, well, a game to play. I am considering doing semi-scripted videos showcasing a game and its mechanics. Try to keep it short-form, perhaps, and then write some higher-level considerations in the blog post.
  • Finally, I could just continue focusing on graphics and generation.

If anyone has any input, I'd love to hear, but mostly this was just a way to gather my thoughts on this topic. Oh, and if anyone is interested in PokeHearth, I already have three more posts written that I just keep putting off until I run out of good content, sooo...

Also, I am publishing this week's Friday post on Thursday instead, just FYI.
